# Welcome

Streaming services like Netflix, Disney+ or Amazon Prime never fully satisfied me. Be it that one service does not have all the movies and TV shows I like to watch, or that material that is only licensed to the services (not an own production) may disappear from time to time from the platform (believe me, it's super annoying when you're in the middle of the series).

That's why I decided to build my own server - the project was named Avalon. It was very interesting for me to realize this project, and I've learned a lot. And with this website, I want to share my experience so that everybody can create their own media server or get help with various decisions.

# What this website is about?

This website is kind of a personal documentation about how to run Jellyfin (10.8.10) on TrueNAS Scale ( as Docker image, how to configure everything and maybe the one or the other hint of how to solve a problem you may run into (or rather better not run into problems at all 😉). iXsytems and Jellyfin do a very great job and with this website maybe more people will give it a try.

# What this website is NOT about?

This website is not affiliated with iXsystems (TrueNAS), the Jellyfin project or any hardware manufacturer. Also, the installations and configurations are built upon personal preferences, so maybe not everything will fit your needs.

Downloading or streaming for private use is allowed in Switzerland (even from illegal sources). Luckily, you don't have to deal with VPN, DNS-based blocking, internet censorship or warning letters.

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